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Biopolymer production is growing

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Biopolymer production is growing

2020 was a year of growth for the production of biopolymers. The fact that the PLA was exhausted was one of the reasons why there was a greater commitment to the use of these materials and the expansion of biological-based polyamides and other materials.

The current situation for the sector augurs well for the continued growth of biobased polymers. Many global brands have already decided to include biobased materials in their catalogue that meet consumer requirements and are more environmentally responsible.

Biopolymer production: growth forecast until 2025

The report “Bio-based building blocks and polymers – Global Capacities” of the Nova Institute Group reports on the production capacities of biologically based polymers in the year 2020 and makes a forecast for 2025.

Last year, the total volume of biopolymers production was 4.2 million tons. This is equivalent to 1% of the total production volume of fossil-based polymers. The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is, at 8%, significantly higher than the overall growth of polymers (3-4%). In addition, according to tho the Nova Institute Group, this growth trend is expected to continue to rise over the next few years.

On the other hand, it should be noted that the global need for land for the production of biological origin is only 0,006% of the total agricultural land of our planet.

The Nova Institute document provides comprehensive information on production capacity development from 2020 to 2025.


Finally, the study incorporates an analysis of the evolution of the market and the producers per block of construction and polymer. Thus, users can quickly get an overview of current developments.

Prime Biopolymers – bioplastics company