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BIOFAST Project: Success in reducing biodegradation testing time in compostable bioplastics.

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Proyecto BIOFAST:

BIOFAST Project: Success in reducing biodegradation testing time in compostable bioplastics.

Prime Biopolymers is proud to announce that the BIOFAST project, funded by the Valencian Institute of Competitiveness and Innovation (IVACE+i), has been successfully concluded, achieving a reduction in the time of the biodegradation tests for compostable bioplastics. The BIOFAST project has been carried out in collaboration with the Plastic Technology Centre (AIMPLAS) and the Materials Technology and Sustainability group (MATS) from the Chemical Engineering Department of the Higher Technical School of Engineering ETSE of the University of Valencia.


The BIOFAST project has been funded by the Valencian Institute of Competitiveness and Innovation (IVACE+i), through the Strategic Projects in Cooperation program, and the FEDER funds.

The acceleration of biodegradation tests strongly facilitates the development of new materials based on compostable bioplastics, reducing time and costs. These factors are of vital importance for introducing this type of sustainable materials to the market. To this end, the project consortium has developed and validated an innovative methodology that combines specific formulations of bioplastics, various oxidative pretreatment technologies and compost enrichment to accelerate the biodegradation process of bioplastics.

Specifically, Prime Biopolymers’ team work on the project has consisted of the successful development and manufacturing of different compostable materials formulation with great interest in the current market.

For its part, MATS group applied a series of abiotic pre-treatment technologies to biopolymeric materials, including plasma irradiation, UV radiation, and hydro- and chemothermal degradation. The impact of these oxidative pre-treatments was evaluated in terms of short- and medium-term stability of the structure, morphology, and functional performance of the materials.

AIMPLAS, the project coordinator, analyzed factors that significantly affect the biodegradation process to develop a strategy to speed up the process based on increasing the potential of the biotic and abiotic components involved in composting. The combination of these efforts made it possible to optimize the end-of-life assessment conditions of compostable bioplastics and create a useful tool in the transition of this value chain towards economic circularity.

At Prime Biopolymers we are very satisfied with the success of the project, which we believe will facilitate the obtaining and introduction of new sustainable materials.